Muse Whitaker
Memorial Committee
Max H. Muse Landis "Lanny" Whitaker
The Muse Whitaker Memorial
The Muse Whitaker Memorial Commmittee is designated by the North Carolina Secretary of State as a fully recognized 501(c)(3) organization. Donations to the committee are 100% tax deductible. We are moving forward with planning and construction of a memorial that will honor the lifetime of service provided by Max Muse and Landis "Lanny" Whitaker to the citizens of Carthage & Moore county, NC. The type and location of this memorial is yet to be determined. But the plan is to locate it in or near Carthage, NC. It will serve as a substantial reminder of the bravery and selflessness of these heroes. Navigate through our site to learn more about this project.

Your donations can help us build a lasting tribute to these heroes. Every dollar is so important. You may donate here and also soon via our Facebook page.

We need your help to make this project a reality. Click here to learn how you can get involved.

Our mission is to honor the memory of Max Muse and Landis "Lanny" Whitaker via construction of a memorial and also bring awareness to volunteer First Responders and the work they do. Click here to learn more.